The Rotary Club of Greensburg administers four different scholarships:

Kenneth P. Rutter Scholarship

In the 1930’s Dr. Rutter himself received a scholarship from the Rotary Club of Greensburg. He used that scholarship to attend Waynesburg College and eventually to study divinity so many years ago. The Kenneth P. Rutter Scholarship was established in 2006 to honor his life’s work of ministry, community service and love of humanity. Dr. Rutter passed away in 2010 at the age of 93. He served the United Methodist Church since 1935 and retired from the First United Methodist Church in Greensburg in 1982. He served the Rotary Club of Greensburg as our Club Secretary from 1962 to 2005 – 43 years! He also served our community with tireless dedication as a volunteer and board member in the purest form of Christian ministry and humanitarian service.

The Kenneth P. Rutter Scholarship Fund was established at The Community Foundation of Westmoreland County to award a scholarship to a traditional or non-traditional applicant residing in Westmoreland County, who has achieved a high school diploma or equivalent including a GED or Home School certificate. Preference will be given to students who seek to enter the Christian Ministry, and/or who have exhibited a strong interest in Community Service and Humanitarian Service.

To apply for the Kenneth P. Rutter Scholarship, please visit 

Bonnie S. Barnhart Memorial Nursing Career Assistance Award

This award was established as a memorial to Bonnie S. Barnhart, a registered nurse, who was employed by Westmoreland Regional Hospital and later by Plundo Medical Associates. This Career Assistance Award is specifically for those individuals who plan a career as a registered nurse and who plan to attend and graduate from the registered nurse’s program at the Westmoreland County Community College.

To apply on-line, please click: Bonnie S. Barnhart Memorial Nursing Career Assistance Award or to complete the paper application, click Bonnie S. Barnhart Scholarship Application


Rotary Club of Greensburg Career Assistance Awards Program

The Rotary Club of Greensburg Career Assistance Awards Program was established in 1956.  These scholarships are available to seniors who reside in the Hempfield Area or Greensburg-Salem School Districts.  The awards range from $500 to $2,500 with awards distributed in May of each year.

These scholarships are granted on the basis of need, ability, performance, academic and civic activities and those qualities of character and personality befitting the leadership of a free democratic society and which exemplify Rotary’s principle of Service Above Self.

Application information is below.

Milton W. Stairs Career Assistance Award

Mr. Stairs graduated from Greensburg High School in 1960, he received a scholarship from the Rotary Club of Greensburg.   He used that scholarship to attend Penn State University majoring in mechanical engineering.  Mr. Stairs had a thirty- year career with I.B.M. and was always felt indebted to the Rotary Club of Greensburg for his scholarship.  Mr. Stairs died in 2017 and because of his feeling of indebtedness to the Rotary Club of Greensburg, his family established this scholarship which is presented annually to a graduating Senior from the Greensburg Salem High School.

Application information is below.

Applicants must meet the following criteria for the Career Assistance Awards:

  • Be a Senior in good standing
  • Rank in the top 25% of your class at the high school or CWCTC
  • A Personal Essay is a critical component of the application.  Please provide a well-written document.
  • Provide a signed Official Transcript from the Administration
  • Attend an interview by the Rotary Club, if needed
  • Financial need (Provide a copy of completed FAFSA Form)
  • The student must not be closely related to a member of the Greensburg Rotary
  • The student must start their post-secondary education/employment within twelve months of graduation, unless an approved extension of time is granted by the Board of the Greensburg Rotary
  • The student MUST live in either the Greensburg-Salem or Hempfield Area School Districts.  No student is eligible if they live outside these communities.

Community activities will be included in the weighting of the applications, along with academic and vocational class standing, financial need, and possibly an interview.

Interviews, if needed, will be held in March or April.  Please have all paperwork completed and submitted by March 17.  Should you have any questions regarding this application, please contact 

To apply, please complete the information below.

Selected Value: 0
Selected Value: 0
Selected Value: 0

There are two parts of the application process:

  1. Complete and submit the form.
  2. Submit the required documents:
    1. Please provide a typed description of what you are like as a person. You may point out your most significant accomplishments, including extracurricular and community activities, hobbies, primary interests, volunteer activities, employment, future plans and goals, people you admire and respect, etc. Correct grammar, style and expression will be evaluated.  This essay should be in Times New Roman or Calibri 12 point and double-spaced with no less than 500 words, but not to exceed 750 words.
    2. To be submitted by school official: Class ranking, cumulative QPA, SAT Scores
    3. Letter of endorsement from a school official.

These documents can be emailed to or you may mail them to:

Honorable Michele G. Bononi
Courtroom 8
2 N. Main Street
Greensburg, PA 15601