LMC Request Form

What is Rotary?
Rotary is made up of business and professional leaders who work to better their community and build understanding and peace in the world. Rotary clubs exist to improve communities locally and around the world, encourage the highest ethical standards in business and professions, and work to advance international understanding by partnering with clubs in other countries. Rotary is a non-political, non-religious humanitarian organization.

What is the LED Message Center?
The LED Message Center (LMC), located on East Pittsburgh Street in Greensburg, is a project conceived, funded, and implemented by the Rotary Club of Greensburg. Its purpose is to provide a means to display messages that benefit the community.

What types of messages can be displayed on the LMC?
Messages from non-profit and other community service entities for events that provide a clear benefit to the local community are eligible. In keeping with the principles upon which Rotary was founded, political and religious messages are not permitted. Messages that contain for-profit information are also prohibited.

The Rotary Club of Greensburg reserves the right to reject any message that is deemed to fall outside the mission of the project.

How and when are messages displayed?
All messages are displayed on a weekly basis. Messages are typically displayed Monday through Sunday, 24 hours a day. Any one message will be displayed quite often for 6-7 seconds. The specific number of times is dependent on the total number of messages being displayed on any given day. Messages will usually be changed at midnight.

Is there a fee to display a message?
Yes. While the Rotary Club funded the acquisition and installation of the sign, the project criteria specified that the sign be self-sufficient. Therefore, a per-message fee has been established to cover utilities, insurance, and maintenance.

Currently, the cost to display a message is $20/week with a two-week minimum ($40). A message can be displayed for less than 2 weeks, but the $40 minimum billing will still apply,

Our sign is 96 pixels tall by 480 pixels wide, about 3 feet x 15 feet. Design for these dimensions. You can also design for 1” high by 5” wide but 96×480 pixels will give you the best idea of how you image will appear to the public. Submit your design in .PNG or high quality .JPG format. The quality of the display depends upon the quality of the images that you submit. If you save a size other than 96×480, it will shrink or stretch to fit, which could look strange, blurry, or pixelated. The LMC can display images and text. Greensburg ordinances currently do not permit animation, flashing or scrolling. Remember, shorter is better as your image can be displayed and retained quicker and easier by the motoring public.

Electronic images/messages must be submitted 10 days prior to the start date of your message. Electronic images can be sent to messagecenter@greensburgrotary.com with the name of the organization in the subject line. Include your preferred start and end dates for the message. The LMC Paper Request Form and a check must also be mailed to Rotary Club of Greensburg, c/o Mark Barnhart, 505 E. Pittsburgh St, Greensburg, PA 15601.

If your organization is unable to submit an electronic message, please use the LMC Request Form, but know that Rotary does not create artwork… we will simply photograph your paper submission.